
Monday, May 16, 2011

Clean Eating #122: PIZZA WEEK! Tomato, Mushroom & Carmelized Onion Pizza w/Feta

Pizza Week!
Tomato, Mushroom & Caramelized Onion Pizza w/Feta

In celebration of the fact that our home school co-op is finished for the year, I'm making clean versions of our favorite treat... varieties of PIZZA as well as some fun 'snack' type dishes that I've not thought to try until now.  Add to that the fact that I discovered the perfect pizza crust recipe, I must try it out with a variety of toppings!

Today I had Jaedin make the crust that I made the other day that my husband so dearly loved.  Then I caramelized some small 'stew' onions and added tomato slices, mushrooms, spinach, feta and the caramelized onions as toppings.  It looks mouth wateringly good.
Caramelizing the Stew Onions:
I cut them in slices, then sauteed on the stove on medium heat in coconut oil.  I had to turn them often, until they started to caramelize and I am SO glad I took the time to do it!  This was the BEST part of this pizza!!

I also added a little bit of marinara, then baby spinach, baby portabello mushroom slices, tomato slices and feta cheese.  I put some extra mozzarella cheese on the 'guy' side, since they like cheese even more than me.

Now I just have to wait for the call that Patrick is on his way home from work so I can pop the pizza in the oven for a bit.

The caramelized onions on the pizza were just perfection!!  Wow.  Just wow.  They were perfect.  I think I'd like to try caramelized onions with sun-dried tomatoes sometime, but for now, the regular tomatoes were plenty good.  Definitely another keeper!

So, what are your favorite toppings?  I am really enjoying spinach on my pizza lately, but I'd have to say that goat cheese and sun-dried tomatoes are among my favorites!