
Monday, May 16, 2011

Clean Eating #121: Breakfast Stuffed Tomatoes w/Parmesan and Egg Whites

Cheesey Eggwhite Stuffed Breakfast Tomatoes
While perusing the AWESOME recipes posted on Spicy Foodie's "Your Best Recipe" monthly feature, I saw this recipe for Stuffed Breakfast Tomatoes by Pip & Ebby's Recipes and was inspired to try a version of my own.
6 ripe tomatoes
8-10 egg whites *I made a scrambled egg dish with the leftovers w/extra veggies for my hubby, the # of eggs will of course depend on the size of your tomatoes, and the only ripe looking tomatoes I could find this time of year were pretty small
1/4 cup ricotta
1/4 cup low fat/non fat cottage cheese
1 Tbsp finely chopped kale
1 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley
1 small onion, diced & sauteed
2 green onions, finely chopped
Grated/Shredded Parmesan

Empty out your tomato, and clean them out (I set aside the insides and made a breakfast scramble with all the leftovers and some green peppers)

Mix together the cheeses, chopped kale, parsley, green onions and egg whites

Pour fillings into tomatoes

Set on a lightly oiled baking dish and bake at 350 for about 20 minutes until the egg whites are firm (there will be some melted cheese, so it won't be completely firm.

What I'd Do Differently Next Time?  Make more.  These were delicious!!  I forgot the salt and pepper, but that was easy enough to add afterwards.