Thursday, July 29, 2010

Clean Eating: Quick and Easy Party Food

Hi all, my name is Byn I'm a fitness instructor, artsy type, clean eating blogger (most of the time, when I don't get distracted by weird family style posts or other strange things). 

 Although I love and adore fashion, I don't have the focus, money or energy to devote any time to it... I think it was having five kids that did it, I just spent too much time in maternity clothes, I guess.  

I used to design my own clothes back in the day when I was in school/young and single... but now I guess I'm in a mood for cooking and appearing reasonably homemaker-y.  Well, at least in the blogging world. 

Although I will say, THIS outfit was a complete joke to freak out my hubby...
And I do clean up nice at times and do fun things with my hair (But admittedly, other than date night, I generally have on my workout gear or a fitted T and jeans.  Pretty boring...:)

Quick & Easy Party Food:  Cracker Dip & Sandwich Wraps

Its hot in Oklahoma and I'm not used to it. Wasn't prepared for it.  AND I DON'T LIKE IT!!
No, really.  Its HOT.  It has stayed pretty much well over 100 degrees for far too long this summer.

I hate cooking when it gets hot.  I don't even like to go grocery shopping.

Thus, the decrease of recipes on my blog.  This also results in me eating crappy convenience foods most of the time and gaining 10 plus pounds.  I hate emotional eating, but I do it too often, especially when stressed.

At any rate, I do like to make some cold foods, so we've been pretty much living on sandwich wraps, breakfast burritos and crackers with dip.  Fresh fruit is always good, and smoothies with lots of frozen fruit.

Lately we've found this great combination and these have become our favorite (our carnivores generally add some meat if we have any, but the rest of us keep it simple):

  • Whole Wheat Tortillas
  • Cheese
  • Mozzarella cheese slices/shredded
  • Cucumber, sliced lengthwise
  • Tomato, sliced
  • Lettuce (We usually use Romain or Green Leaf

Start by spreading your whole wheat tortillas with Neufchatel Cheese.  Sprinkle on or layer your choice of cheese (we're using Mozzarella this time).  Layer with lettuce, a long slice of cucumber and some tomato slices. Roll them up and enjoy!

Roll and Viola! You can also cut them in slices for cute pinwheel sandwiches, but my kids devour these so fast, its not really worth the time.
Bonus!  SUPER SIMPLE Salmon Dip for Crackers:
1 onion, finely diced
1 package of Neufchatel Cheese
1 can of Salmon

Mix ingredients together, refrigerate for an hour and serve with or on crackers.  Super easy, and super yummy protein snack.