
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Clean Eating #61: Tapioca Style Quinoa Pudding Treat

Thick & Creamy Vanilla Quinoa Pudding
*If you like Tapioca pudding, You'll LOVE this Clean Version!
Oh.  My.  Word.  This was AHmazing!  I think even my picky older kids would like this.  That is, if they were home before it all disappeared.  I'm not sure that's going to happen, because it is DELICIOUS.  Even when compared to "real" pudding.

Yeah, Even THEN!

3 cups of skim milk
1 medium banana
1/2 cup Tapioca Starch
2 Tbsp Ideal Brand Brown Sugar Substitute
1/4th Cup Vanilla Protein Powder
1 tsp vanilla
sprinkle of cinnamon
**Quinoa** I use between 1/2 - 1 cup of uncooked quinoa... I like a lot of lumpiness in mine.  I would start with 1/2 cup uncooked quinoa in with the rest of the ingredients before you start cooking.

Alternatively, you can start with the quinoa already cooked (I have used leftover quinoa to make this before and the kids liked it better that way.  I prefer it a little crunchier)

Put the banana, 1 cup of milk, protein powder, quinoa and Tapioca Starch in the blender to puree
Pour the pureed ingredients into a pan on medium heat.
Stir often with a whisk, add other ingredients (except cinnamon)

Keep on medium and bring to a slow boil. 
Once it starts to bubble, remove from heat, pour into bowls and serve hot or refrigerate to let set.

Every time I've had quinoa in something else, I've thought it reminded me of a slightly crunchy tapioca and I've been soooo curious to try it in a pudding form.  I wasn't disappointed at ALL.  This was fantastic!  I can't wait to see if my pick kids will like it.  Although I'm not sure they even like tapioca, so I may not waste it on them!

This SO reminded me of my grandma Pohren's homemade pudding from when I was a kid.  I wish she still lived across the road so I could take her some!  I think she's be impressed... as long as I didn't tell what was actually in it!:)