Inexpensive Homemade Vegetable Broth!
I came home and read about how to make my own, and when we made lasagna the other day, I took all the eggplant, carrot, bell peppers and zucchini scraps and made my own broth. Which made it basically FREE, because I hadn't been using those scraps at all anyway (for anything other than compost).
All I did was take the scraps and boil them on Med-High heat for about an hour (or maybe two... I really didn't pay attention, I had so much other cooking stuff going on, I just checked it an added water occasionally!)
Then I used my handy dandy Seive and drained all the broth... Viola! Vegetable Broth!
I'll stick it in a freezer bag and have it handy for next time!
Free is better than $2.98. Free is better than $1.00. FREE IS AWESOME.
I don't know why I didn't think of doing it before. I make my own chicken stock... oh well, a lesson learned is a lesson learned! I will be making my own stock EVERY prep day, because we have been using a LOT of borth/stock in our dishes. This will be healthier and I'll KNOW exactly what is (or isn't) in it!
And yes, I realize that a lot of you probably already DO this, but it was a revelation to me, so I'm sharing just in case!